Friday 🎧 September 27th 🎧
Radio plays Rock 11-3 PM SLT
The Beast, DJ Dream 2-4 pm slt HOST: Caitlynn
Random prize giveaways and $L on the board
DJ Dream loves to play that pop/dance music that makes you groove and move but sometimes she'll surprise you as she plays what she feels. Dream is a writer, poet, creator and just loves to create everything and anything. She has always loved music in all of it's forms and states that it is a higher form of communication because it can carry thought and emotion in a way that mere words cannot. Dream has studied philosophy, anthropology, and psychology as well as audio other words, she is fascinated with people! Join her for a ride on the musical highway of life.
DJ CherryBomb 4-6 pm slt HOST: Debra
DJ Cherrybomb, with those sweet cherry kisses and party sheep, is running a Best in Bikers & B*tches contest sponsored by House in the Sun, which means lindens and gift cards. This DJ always brings the party with rock, mashups and mixes. Don't miss out!
DJ Talya 6-8 pm slt
Talya generally plays Feel Good Real Good music. DJ Talya the Black Magic Woman has been working as a DJ for 9 years at several clubs in SL. She writes short stories and erotic poetry, enjoys a good dirty joke and meeting new fun people. She plays all genres of music from Dubstep to industrial, from Blues to Metal Top 40 to Jazz and loves taking requests. Her philosophy is that Humor and Music are the universal languages and should be shared freely by all.
DJ Nivx 8-10 PM slt Host: Caitlynn
DJ Nivx brings rock to the Collarsseum Club from 8-10 PM every Friday. DJ Nivx is a Seasoned Role player, and role play is his main reason for being in SL but he does love to rock your world. Join him for some great tunes!
Radio plays Romance only 11 pm - 5 am slt
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