We need Hosts, Dancers, DJs, Strippers, and AFK.
AFK Zone
There are tip jars and furniture out everywhere for the AFK, please log in before going AFK on the furniture. The AFK recieve 80% tips. Suggested addons include it's not mine, EasyMover & Mama Allpa, Vaw Vagina & Nipples, and spankers (Code 5 is quite good). You can find it's not mine in the mall near the House in the Sun entrance and Mama Allpa at the back of the store.
EasyMover https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/EasyMoverRLV/15219989
Posting in AFK or Sex groups with a url to where you are will help you to attract more customers since they will know you are available. We have a group for afk & those who love the afk. You may post in there so long as your slurl leads to this sim and you are afk here.
We accept female and male avatars of adult human size. Please, no anime afkers. Mesh bodies are required. We do want to provide a high quality of service here and to do so, we require your participation. Please dress yourself well or be naked, either is permissible. If you are dressed, please ensure that you can be undressed easily.
Noone under 30 days old is permitted here. You must now be in the appropriate group to use our tip jars. You will receive 80% of all your tips and may dance at any time. You may afk when there are no events. occurring but we won't have campers, we are paying you to dance. With this in mind, it will only play you for the first two hours and will randomly check on you to make sure you are not a bot and are actively dancing. We allow role play but please keep it private, in ims. You must log into and be paid through our tip jars. We have free boards outside the club for escorts. Our escort ad boards now cost 50L per week and you must be in the Bondage Bay Escorts group to use them, however, they feature multiple images, sounds, objects, landmarks, note cards and social media plugins. This means you can load up urls with information on you.
Tip Jars pay 4L per hour, which isn't much but 4L X 24 hours = 96L which doesn't include tips.
Only 4 available so grab them while they're hot.
AFK ad boards are free and located at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bondage%20Bay/147/159/42
You must rent an ad board to use the tip jars in Bondage Bay and you must be in Bondage Bay AFK group to use either. the tip jars or the ad boards. Tip jars now include captcha to ensure that once an hour, you are actually there and not a bot.
Stripper ad boards are free and at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Bondage%20Bay/143/169/42 requiring Bondage Bay Strippers group.
Hosts are paid 50L per hour plus 100% tips and we need you. Please contact Caitlynn (caitlynn34) in world. Many shifts available.
Please contact Caitlynn (caitlynn34) to discuss available shifts. 100L per hour plus tips. Pick your own themes or have none, play your own genre. Talk to us today!
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